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5. Directories

Linux keeps files in a single hierarchical directory structure, that (behind the scenes) is made up of a combination of hard drives, CD-ROMs, floppy disks, ZIP drives, etc.

The typical Linux filesystem looks like this:

 |- bin                Essential programs (or binaries)
 |- boot               Startup (or boot) information
 |- dev                Devices
 |- etc                Configuration files
 |- home               Users' home directories
 |   |- user1
 |   |- user2
 |   |- user3
 |- lib                System libraries and other various program files
 |- lost+found         Files recovered after filesystem checks
 |- mnt                Mount point for removable disks
 |   |- cdrom          (An alternative is /cdrom and /floppy)
 |   |- floppy
 |- proc               A special directory with file-based system information
 |- root               Home directory for the root user
 |- sbin               Essential system programs
 |- tmp                Temporary work space
 |- usr                
 |   |- X11R6          X-Windows files
 |   |   |- bin        X-Windows programs
 |   |   |- include
 |   |   |- lib
 |   |   |- man
 |   |   |- share
 |   |
 |   |- bin            General programs
 |   |- dict           Dictionary
 |   |- doc            Documentation
 |   |
 |   |- etc            Additional configuration files
 |   |- include        Include files for the C preprocessor
 |   |- info           GNU info files
 |   |- lib            Additional libraries
 |   |- local          Files generally not supplied by the distribution
 |   |   |- bin
 |   |   |- doc
 |   |   |- etc
 |   |   |- include
 |   |   |- lib
 |   |   |- man
 |   |   |- sbin
 |   |   |- share
 |   |
 |   |- man            Man (ie. user manual) pages
 |   |- share          Files that can be shared between computers of different architectures
 |   |- sbin           Additional system programs
 |   |- src            Source code directories (eg. /usr/src/linux/)
 |- var                
    |- lock            Lock files
    |- log             Log files (system messages, error logs, etc.)
    |- spool           Spool files
        |- mail        Users' mailbox files

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